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It’s Christmas!!!

19 Dec

Isn’t it funny blink and it’s gone but the run up starts in October? Yes people I’m talking about Christmas!

Over the last few weeks everyone I talk to is rushing around like nutters to get ready for that one day that comes and goes so quickly every year.

I start early; I have so many people to buy for and want to make sure those presents my kids want are not sold out. I currently have a cupboard full of presents that hopefully won’t fall on top of me when I open it. But really and truly it is just mad! I admit I love Christmas, I love doing the father Christmas thing my daughter who’s 9 still believes which makes me happy the her innocence hasn’t been lost. This year I did the letters to Santa and today I did portable North Pole click the link it’s a must for all mum’s to do for their kids. Portable North Pole

I can’t wait to see their faces, see them open their presents and be all festive. It’s been a mad few weeks with school discos, plays and class parties but the other day it dawned on me that the real meaning of Christmas may have been lost!

A few nights ago my son asks” Mum what happened to the bay Jesus?” So I explained who grew to a man and was killed by some people who didn’t like him and now he is in heaven. To which opened up a can of worms and questioned continued up until bed time!

It did make me wonder how many people fully know the story of Christmas and understand and remember on Christmas day why we celebrate. Christmas is supposed to be a religious holiday but most myself included are not particularly religious.

So Mary travelled to Bethlehem on a donkey with her husband Joseph to give birth to the son of God. They were turned away from every inn and finally were offered sanctuary in a stable where the baby Jesus Christ was born. So at my son’s nativity this week they re-enacted the animals in the stable from cat to camel and told of how Jesus came to be in their barn.

I then thought back to my school days and my memory is good I never remember doing the nativity once! Christmas songs yes but no Mary or Joseph in sight

So I decided to go to the schools church service and embrace and remember the true meanings of Christmas. I guess if you ask most people adults and children alike what things they think about when you say the word Christmas the following would be in the list:
Brussel sprouts, presents, tinsel, Christmas trees, lights, dinner, mince pies and Christmas pud!

Christmas is a big money-maker in the UK in October food is stacked in all the local supermarkets, in mid-November the adverts start and before December hits people are christmas crazy. The weather has gone cold and the shops are full of people bulk buying like there is a war on its way. I’m not one of these people, shops only close for two whole days over christmas and to be honest my local news agents are always open so if I’m desperate I’ll go there.

I remember being small and loving christmas and still have very good memories of christmas, new year and everyone being together and happy. That for me is what Christmas is about a time to think, reflect and be truly grateful for what you have as there are others less fortunate than you out there. Imagine how cold it is at present, now imagine sleeping rough in these conditions! Things might seem bad for you, you may have had a bad year but the point is you have a safe place to stay and a roof over your head!! That is something to be thankful for.

I guess people need to remember it’s not how many presents are under the tree and it isn’t about how much food you can stack in your stomach it is the season to be jolly and for peace and goodwill to all man kind (This includes woman kind too) Remember those you love, those that have been taken from us and be thankful for whatever you receive.