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The List

29 Aug

We all have someone we have a major crush on someone be it celebrity or real life, but is it healthy to have crushes when you’re in a relationship or marriage?

Let’s talk about my list!

It’s an ongoing joke with me and Mr B, every time I come across a new hottie he goes on the list. Every time I mentioned the list, Mr B grunts and rolls his eyes. So me being me I told him to go and get his own list and so far I know of two women he has on it. (One he has strong competition)

Anyway, if you are still confused “The List” (which gets longer by the day and isn’t a real document that I scribble on every night) is a list of guys I’d like to have sex with. OMG! I here you all screech, as many of my friends have said when I’ve told them about the list “Your husbands ok with this?” Well we are still here, together and the list has only been going for about a year or so, so I guess there is no issues with it!

Now, I said a list of guys I’d like to have sex with these are all famous guys so it’s probably not going to happen but I’ve been honest with Mr B and said if I go out and Mr X is in the club don’t expect me home!  To be honest having one man is trouble but having two making claims on me would be too much so all I’m asking for is one night. In reality with kids, work and a husband where am I finding the time to have sex with Mr X and let’s say Drake? It’s not going to happen, how am I going to do the commute unless his moving to London and can fit in between the school run and lunch time then it’s clearly not going to work.

I asked a few people on twitter what they thought by posing the question “Is it healthy to banter about people you fancy when you’re in a relationship”:

” Yes, the key for me is laughter and trust. BUT I do think it depends on if it’s an unobtainable celeb or “Natalie from work”

“I don’t see anything wrong in it, both parties should be secure enough to share absolutely anything”

“I personally wouldn’t leave my man for a celeb… but I kinda like the idea of a free pass….”

“It depends how secure the relationship is, depends how much trust there is.. If so, then yeah its fine cos it’s bein real!!”

I managed to be able to get 2 of my celeb/men of power crushes to follow me on twitter by being cheeky it does actually get you far sometimes I won’t tell you who they are but here are ten of my celeb crushes in no particular order so guys please don’t get upset if you’re not at the top:

  • Chucky Venn
  • Drake (As if it wasn’t obvious)
  • Idris Elba
  • Kanye West
  • Obama
  • Scott Malsen
  • David Beckham
  • Wentworth Miller
  • Will Smith
  • Russell Brand (Not so much based on looks more that his a bit of an animal)

Now your done drooling we can start wrapping up!!!

So there’s ten off my list and I could probably give you another fifteen at least, all I think are good-looking and all I imagine have got some bedroom moves that would interest most women. (I don’t care if it’s not in the bedroom I’m honestly not that fussy!) Unfortunately, I’ve only had a dream about one of them and before anything happened I was rudely awoken by Mr B for some kind of wife or mother duty.

So why do I have these fantasies? Why am I thinking about having sex with other men when I have one at home? Well I guess we all have desires, needs, dreams and stuff we can never have and seening as I have everything in life I want or need, something I can’t have, maybe a pleasant distraction. I don’t sit and perv over these guys 24/7 I haven’t got time, but if they are on the telly or I hear their voice on the radio I’m thinking mmmmmm I need me some of that.  Granted all the men on my list are not my unusual type but we are talking one night here, so who cares! The dirty thoughts and fantasies I have about these guys are no different to the one’s guys have and no different to the sensations women have been getting while reading 50 shades of grey. Anyway now you know about the list why not go and make your own while listening to some Drake

I’m a dreamer!

2 Nov

I don’t know about you but my sleep routine is chaotic!! I have worked nights for the last fours years and managing with kids and home its been a struggle. I actually love sleep to be able to switch off and snuggle down when I get the chance is a relief. (If I can get the odd afternoon nap I’m blessed) I don’t deal well at all with sleep deprivation, I can be miserable, catty and sometimes I look in the mirror and think what a state. I’m usually miserable first thing, I’m not a morning person so if you see me with my big sunglasses then you will know the days not going to be a good one.  The one consistent thing in my sleep routine is dreams, I believe I have an amazing imagination as some of the dreams I have are out of this world.

Over the past few weeks I have noticed that I’m not the only one who has strange dreams. I can’t tell you how much I dream every night, at times I don’t remember the dreams till later on in the afternoon. At other times I remember a series of different dreams that on waking up seem very real. I have the bog standard dreams teeth falling out, dreams of my dead grandparents, falling and not being able to move. I know most of my dreams are stress related, the dreams about my grandparents are hard they all always in the present as if they are still here with me. Waking up and realising that they are not is heart wrenching but its nice that I get to see them still. No matter how silly it sounds they were a big part of my life and in some ways still are. (Not many people can communicate with the dead)

I have dreams of significance, if I’m thinking of something perhaps a friend or someone significant I’m likely to dream about them or it.  (This week I was dancing with Michael Jackson I put this down to the trial into his death) I have dreams that a hard to interpret and dreams that I can say I know why I dreamed that. I never have dreams where I wake up in a hot sweat, but I do often wonder why I have dreamed some of the things I have.  When I have to be up earlier than usual I always dream I’m going to be late! Luckily I never am as the fear often stops me from falling into a deep sleep.

It’s strange as to an extent I can control my dreams, if something bad is happening I wake myself up. Most of my dreams are silent a bit like silent movies, very real and in full colour. (I haven’t quite mastered 3D dreams maybe in the future)

I wouldn’t say I’m a light sleeper or a heavy one I guess I’m somewhere in between, when I sleep I often talk, jump, kick and laugh. Last year I had a dream I was shot and felt the pain of the shot as it hit me. I honestly believed until recently that if you died in your dream you died in real life, apparently not as people have told me they have dreamed this and are alive and kicking.

Before my dreams were a regular and predominant part of my life I was a regular day dreamer. Have you ever had the feeling that the moment you just lived has happened before? Dejavu’s were frequent for me I would always feel weird after I relived a moment and often be freaked out. I have had dreams that have also happened like deja vu’s but I know I was dreaming them.

The dreams I hate the most are the ones you wake up from but realise your still asleep a dream within a dream, it makes you feel like your forever trapped in the dream world.

Dreams are said to be:: ” Dreams are the involuntary conjuring up of images, sounds, ideas and feelings as well as other sensations during sleep.” Dreams come from the side of our brain that deals with emotion hence the strange and weird goings on in some of our dreams.


Dreams can often be things that we wish or want to happen, I often wandered if the dreams we dream are us in another existence? My dream life is great but often confusing I am very happy to be in reality but if a dream can help me and give me guidance I will use it.

Apparently we all dream and these dreams whether we remember them or not shape our day, it is said that only those who are interested in their dreams remember them so here is a list top five dreams and there meanings:


To be pregnant or see someone who is pregnant means ideas have been conceived


Changes in the pattern or pace of life such as leaving or changing school, work, moving, marriage or divorce


Represents the end of an important phase in your life can be interpreted as birth or rebirth



Indicates insecurity and warns of falling from power or grace



To sleep in a dream means a message is being doubly reinforced


Sweet dreams